Friday, July 27, 2012

Ups and Downs, Highs and Lows

He has been in a complete snit.  Not speaking to me.  Using his "silent" treatment. And I've been ignoring it.  I think maybe he's upset because I'm spending so much time with my sisters....but not sure that's really it.

Then my mom got sick.  Had her in the ER and my sister's and I are rotating staying with her.  Going over 3-4 times a day to check in.

And he immediately turns into a saint.

Is it that the adrenaline kicks in and brings his glucose up?

Or does he somehow feel more "needed" because she is sick?

I feel so bad for her. She's been in incredible pain.  Called hospice to come in to control the pain and assist her in remaining independent as long as she possibly can be.  They can stay on board for 3 - 5 years.

Is he worried that he's going to need hospice?

Mom seems to want to will herself to death at times.

Is he thinking he can do that?

At least his snit is over!  And while I'm stressing out over mom, I'm getting a little relief from him.

As an update:

He's still eating everything in sight and I'm refusing to go to the grocery.

He's still have way too many lows - using power bars and glucose tabs way too much.

He is not sleeping at nights.  But will sit in his chair and sleep most of the day.

When life gets too overwhelming, my sisters and I get together and have a good talk.

His son cancelled the granddaughter's birthday gathering and I think hubby is quite depressed over that.

Working on staying in my happy spot. Gardening is so good for me!  And singing again - oh!  what a joy!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your mom -- hope her pain goes away soon

glad your sisters are there to help

as for dh -- well, the best news is that "the more things change the more things stay the same" eh?

we should know what to expect, but it still hurts.....

Tom's Wife