Tuesday, February 02, 2010


So, the percocet is working. His pain is getting under control which is lowering his glucose, he's moving and feeling better.....even smiling. After 2 months in bed...we are slowly getting back to some type of "normal". And it is great!

But, he also has his his staff in town for a retreat of sorts this weekend and I think that will keep him in good spirits thru Sunday. I'll take what I can get. Monday is the cardiologist.

So far, he has stuck to the Low GI menu which I assume is helping as well.

Amazing how pain can throw a diabetic so far out of whack. Again, that roller-coaster merry-go-round vicious cycle. The more the pain, the more adrenaline, the higher the glucose, the less movement....it just compounds and explodes the problem. Sad that his doctors wouldn't give him any pain meds until after the MRI.

Was a good weekend all-in-all.


1 comment:

phil said...

Dear Wife of a diabetic...I'm the husband of a diabetic (some 30 years). I'm searching for an out let of "am I the only one out here with these issues....and I found this site and read a little of the same descriptions of my life....hummmm maybe I not the only one who is out here...I'll book mark and come back.