Saturday, July 02, 2011

A1c at 8.3

proof he's not keeping it under control at all.  Can hardly wait to see what the other labs show, but probably won't have the results til Tuesday due to the weekend.

I had a wonderful staycation at my sister's place.  So rested.  Came back Friday.  He fell Thursday evening going down the stairs and didn't tell me until I got home.  Hurt his back.  Taking dilaudid again.  Fine with me....I'm just going to "use" this as ammunition that we need to get to a one level as soon as we can.  :o)

So, his back is hurting him and everything for the weekend got cancelled.  Not going to slow me down.  I'm back from my morning errands and I'm off to the movies next.  Taking care of my stress the best I can.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your posts even though the schedule has not permitted me to comment

so sad to hear of your health problems and his continuing challenges

stay strong and take care of yourself!!