Saturday, November 27, 2010

Life doesn't stop

just because your husband has diabetes. But there are days when I wish I could just put it on pause!

Hubby's 91 year old grandma died Thanksgiving morning. She lives 1000 miles away.
His dad went into the hospital on Monday with HPB and glucose at 400 - he was passing out all the time.
He went home Thursday pm on new meds.
Tuesday, hubby went to his oldest granddaughter's school for grandparent's day. I had a meeting so couldn't go with him. In attendance was his ex wife, her husband, his son, his daugher-in-law, and his DILs parents.
The DILs mother made the "arrangements" and "forgot" to reserve a spot for my husband...he had to sit in the back of the auditorium.
In the classroom, granddaughter had made cards for everyone but him.

Yes, he has absolutely horrible children who have absolutely no respect for him. What are they teaching their own children?
Bottom line is that he came home and cried. He NEVER cries. This hurt him beyond belief.

Being this upset, with this much going on in such a short time is not good for a diabetic. A roller coaster of emotions.

So my family came to the rescue! 2 of my sisters came with their husbands, drove 2 hours each to get here, and we took him out to lunch yesterday. Everyone doted over him and told him how much they appreciated him and his help with all their computers It was a true thanksgiving. And he really loved every moment of it.

I think we may have to adopt different grandchildren. I doubt he ever goes back to the school. We'll see what he does for the holiday. This is the year he had open heart surgery and they have come to visit him 3 times....they live less than an hour away. It's just a good thing they are not my own kids. LOL!!! Actually, my son treats him much better than his own kids do

Needless to say, it's been one of those weeks. We need a break! Hopefully next week will be calm!


1 comment:

Lynn Barry said...


Seems there is always something that subtracts from a healthy time with our husbands. Just went away and hubby was in pain the whole time and could not really enjoy himself the way he would have liked. Sciatica...been battling it for three months. Will have more tests soon to see if that is what it the meantime like you point out, "Life doesn't stop."

My prayers for husbands with diabetes and other complications and wives who are married to the whole package.