Thursday, January 10, 2008

Parkinsons (and more stress for me)

He left today saying he was going to the eye doctor. So I didn't even bother to ask to go. He came home and said he made a mistake, today was his doctor's visit, the eye exam is next week.

I have to wonder....was that just one huge lie because he didn't want me to go?

Just so maddening. I'm just ready to throw in the towel....let him eat whatever he wants and just kill himself.

How can you mix up an eye exam and a doctor's appointment? Because you don't care enough to remember? Yeah...I think that's it.

So....his doctor did agree to refer him to an endocrinologist. But I just wonder if that's another lie. Time will tell. In the meantime, this one added a new drug to help keep his prostate from getting even bigger. And added a Parkinson's drug.

I need to go research this last one. He says he does not have Parkinson's, but his hands have been shaking lately and it is getting increasingly worse. To the extent that he cannot pick up food with a fork. He says it's related to his carpel tunnel syndrome. He's had 3 surgeries for that and it's supposed to be "healed". But he claims that is why his hands shake.

Tonight....I just think the only thing he knows how to do is lie. I'm so fed up with it. And it's most likely that I'm just tired.

I asked if he asked about a pump and he said his doc told him to wait until he saw the endo. Hmmmm...think there is an ounce of truth in that either?

I just keep asking myself, "what next?"


Jean Berg-Sarauer said...

Is the shaking in the hands common in diabetics? My husband's mom had it, and hubby has had it as long as I've known him. In his case, it's especially bad when he's tired or anxious. They do prescribe Parkinson's drugs to non-Parkinson's patients too; my mom ended up on one due to neuro troubles after surgery, so hopefully you're getting the true story here. It would be great if your hubby could get on the pump, but he'll likely have to change his ways in terms of testing. Hope he does!


Diabeteswife said...

I've been doing a bit of research on this one. Could be the neuropathy? Loss of feelings in his fingers....makes his hands shake. could be related to carpal tunnel surgery 4 years ago? Could be Parkinson's. Whatever it is, the drug does seem to be helping the shaking....but he has had a horrible headache the past 2 days....sleeping all day long and all night. Says he needs to just sleep the headache off. It's ok...I'm enjoying the quiet. Decided to paint the guest bedroom to give me something fun to do! :o)


Anonymous said...

This article at Web MD says that diabetics are 80% more likely to get Parkinson's disease than non-diabetics:

Also, an "essential tremor" is often developed in people who take Lipitor or other statins for an extended period of time. Although this is not Parkinson's and not usually progressive, an essential tremor can include shaking of the hands and Parkinson's-like symptoms. I don't know if your husband takes a statin or not, but I thought I would bring it up since high cholesterol is common in diabetics and thus the use of statin drugs is common too. Your husband's doctor could have overlooked this since most doctors get much of their information on the latest treatments from drug companies, and no drug company is going to stress some of the negative side effects of their own products.