Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How do you tell

if he's getting worse or not? It's like he bounces from one problem to another. This morning, I think he was having a high. Extremely sensitive. And to top it off his desktop monitor quit working and of course, he blamed it on me. Started yelling and I made up an excuse to run to Walmart to get out of the house. Came back an hour later, monitor working and he was just all happy to see me and started talking about renewing our wedding vows in 3 1/2 years at our 10 year anniversary. (While my brain is thinking - we'll be lucky if I'm here in 3 1/2 months! LOLOL!)

About 1:30, I saw him eating some smarties and asked if he was having a low and he said he was starting to crash. So there's today's high and low that average out to a normal A1c. Sigh.

He decided he wants all new office furniture - and just a year ago he threw a fit when I suggested he get new furniture. (More of the roller coaster ride).

His back is hurting him so much he can barely move. Lower back. He said he called the doctor and they scheduled him for an appointment in 3 weeks. I suggested we go to the ER. I mean - he can't move! So then he started moving. Well, you can tell that it hurts, but at least he is moving. I suppose if it gets real bad, he will call the doctor back. And of course, he could well be lying and never have called the doc at all.

It just seems like he is having more and more angry then happy spells, changing his mind on things, and loss of memory. I am trying my best to just roll with the punches, not take anything real serious, and take care of the caregiver - as much as I can. And pray. I do think prayer has become a much bigger part of my life. After all, it is a form of meditation and that helps.



Vidocq said...

DW - I just found your blog today doing research on type two diabetes. I was just diagnosed three weeks ago and - I admit - I'm pretty scared. Correction VERY scared. I am married to a wonderful carrying woman who's been with me for 16 years.

I've learned two things from reading you blog (and I have read the whole thing, now). 1) I'm going to fight this damn disease as hard as I can and 2) I'm going to never let myself become a burden to my spouse.

Thank you so much for this.


Mary said...

Hi DW,
I have been keeping up with your posts. My dh is a Type II diabetic and had kidney problems last year. He goes from feeling well to being very ill. It is like an up and down cycle. He is now on an up swing. Dh is 45 and I have been thinking about getting long term care insurance for both of us. What do you think? I hope Widow of Diabetic will read this and answer if she thought this type of insurance is needed for my spouse at such a young age. I am afraid that I will not be able to care for him if he has a stroke or permanent kidney failure. I want him to get the best of care if he is incapacitated. My own health is not what it used to be either as I am older than dh and am going through some health issues of my own (not diabetes).
I have some friends who are widows of diabetics but they refuse to talk about their experiences. They will just shrug my questions off and say, oh, that seems like a long time ago. It is like they do not want to remember their beloved dh's health decline. Always remember that there are other wives' out in the world how look to your blog for information and support. There is not a lot of information out there about dealing with these issues.

Diabeteswife said...

Jerry_d: If you promise to do exactly those 2 things, then I truly believe my blogging has been worth the pain of writing about this experience. Thank you!

ms.b: I'm going to blog next about this very thing. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

To jerry d:

I admire your desire to fight the disease as hard as you can and to never let yourself become a burden to your wife!

As a Type 2 diabetic who is NOT using meds and with a current Hba1c of 5.8 from following a low carb diet --which was recommended by my own diabetic PCP -- I STRONGLY encourage you to NOT follow the ADA recommendations for diet. Instead, PLEASE, look at low carb eating!

Three books that I find essential are:

"Blood Sugar 101" by Jenny Ruhl

"Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution, A Complete Guide To Achieving Normal Blood Sugars" by Rickard K. Bernstein, M.D.

"Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes

Here are some health links that I find especially helpful:
(Blog of Jenny Ruhl, a diabetic and diabetes advocate who keeps up on latest research and advocates a low carb diet)
(Dr. William Davis, a progressive cardiologist on how to avoid heart disease -- a problem with many diabetics)
(Dr. Mike Eades' blog. He also keeps up on latest research.)
(The Quintessential Diabetes Links Resource)
(DiabetesNewsStand, a website dedicated to the education and prevention of the diabetes epidemic.)
(Jimmy Moore's blog. He keeps up on all kinds of low carb research)
(A partial list of low-carb doctors, which is being updated nearly daily.)

I hope you will find these links helpful, too. If anyone would like more info, you can reach me at

Wife of a Diabetic: I hope you do not mind me trying to reach others through your blog. Complications from diabetes can be avoided and seeing a man who seems motivated to try, I just had to speak up. I read your blog all the time and I feel strong compassion for you. I thank God that I am not in your shoes...and remind myself how fortunate I am to have been single and responsible for only myself and the grandchildren I've raised for the past 17 years!
