Saturday, October 06, 2012

Someone said

Now is my chance to leave him.....back on my lst post.  Well, I've had enough grief counseling in my life to know that now is not the time to make any life decisions.  I need to put anything like that off.  I need to grieve the loss of my mom.  Not leave hubby.

We are learning to live as a Skype couple.  At least with Skype y can see each other when you talk, see the body language.  We are working thins out.  He is going g to stay there and I am going to stay here.  As long as it takes.  Neither of us are going to make any major decisions.

And I think that is perfect.  I am getting a much needed break.  And finding time to be with my sisters so we can get through the grieving process.  It must be different when you lose a second parent.  It sure feels different.  I think it's going to take a long time.  But we will get through it together.

And hubby is learning what it is like to care for a parent.  Maybe in that process, he will start taking better care of himself.  I am not worrying about him.  I am doing just fine on my own.  Hopefully when he does come home, things will be better.  Ok, I have earned the right to dream!!  LOL!!!

My biggest problem is that since mom died, I haven't been able to sleep.  In fact,none of us have.  S this week I'm going to work on that.  Ha!  I'm setting goals.  I think that's a good thing.  Lets hope I get a little more sleep tonight.



sar said...

I am so sorry to learn of your loss. I lost my last parent just over a year ago and that has made my struggle even harder since mother had major mental health issues and was very destructive financially and emotionally.

I understand not leaving at this time. I made several bad decisions last year which I never would had done at a different time.

My H seems to being doing somewhat better with a new doctor and changed meds. Yet, the same issues remain.

Good luck and peace. SAR

Boop82 said...

I'm glad something beneficial has come from your loss. Maybe he will see how much it takes to care for someone and realize a) there aren't a lot of people who can do it b) he should appreciate you more for what you do. I am so sorry for your loss too. I hope you can find rest.

On a funny/weird side note... one your adds on the bottom of your page is for chocolate cereal, but everything is in Spanish... may be funnier if you were here to see it.

Anonymous said...

easy for some one else to tell you what to do!

take your time

life will play out the way it is supposed to

I have always believed that sleep is the best cure and sometimes the most difficult place to be